My co-worker Teresa (she spent all her life in Mississauga and doesn't know what a bubble tea is) has two sons, Robert and Ross, each of them has a DS with R4 card. Robert lost his DS last week and was really upset; so Teresa asked me to get a set of DS for Robert next time when I go to pacific mall. Last week I went to pacific mall and got a set of DS with TT card (a newer version of R4) for 180 dollars with receipt and gave them to Teresa. The next day she came to work and told me that her boys were thrilled about the new games on the TT card, and they also found that some of the newer games cannot be played on the old R4 card. She asked me if I could get another TT card for Ross’ DS set, I said, “sure, but they would have to wait till the next week, because I only go back to Toronto during the weekends.”
The following morning, Teresa came to me and said “well, Ross can’t wait that long, so I think I’ll go pacific mall with my husband either this afternoon or tomorrow to get the TT card”
I said “sure, you got the receipt for the DS, just go find the same store, you should be okay”
The same afternoon, Teresa rushed to my cubical and said, “You want to hear something really funny?”
I asked, “What is it?”
Teresa said, “My husband is at pacific mall right now, and he found the store, he went in the store and asked for TT card, the sales lady told him “no, we don’t sell those, they are illegal.””
I was like “What? Did your husband go to the same store?”
Teresa replied, “Yeah, he did! He was really confused, so he reached to his pocket and took out the receipt and said “but didn’t we just get a set of DS with TT card from you two days ago?””
At this point, I was cracking up really bad…
Teresa continued, “The sales lady took a look at the receipt and replied, “the TT card is 35 dollars each cash only””
The people at pacific mall must thought Teresa’s husband was a cop…
oh....Pacific Mall....